Our dedicated and friendly dental team has been working with Dr. Piero to provide you and your family with the gentle dental care you deserve for a long time. We are very devoted to our office and our patients. We invite you to contact our Holland, Michigan dental office today to learn more about us and to schedule a visit with our dentist.

Feel Confident
And Smile Again
With Help From Us
A Dedicated And Personable Staff
We’re committed to excellence in dentistry.

Dental Assistant

Office Manager

Dental Assistant

Hollands’ favorite dental dog and therapy dog in training
Baci can never be replaced however, We would like to introduce the newest member of our office…Ginger, “our therapy dog in training” Ginger the Dental Dog, is a Wire Hair Fox Terrier that greets patients, calms their fears, and brings joy to the office. She takes her job very seriously and makes sure Piero gets into the operatory when one of his assistants buzzes for him. She knows not to go into the room while x-rays are being taken and will calmly wait in another room if the patient does not appreciate dogs. Ginger is the most well behaved and gentle terrier you will ever meet.
Being a Dental Dog, Ginger gets her teeth brushed every day. She loves it. This routine will help ensure that she lives a long, healthy life (just like people). Brushing regularly removes the bacteria in her mouth that causes bad breath and plaque. Bacteria would also lead to infections and reduce her immunity.
933 Butternut Drive, Holland, MI 49424
- MON & TUE:
8:30am – 5:00pm - THURSDAY:
8:00am – 3:00pm